Selfie Accident

She died from a….Selfie Accident?

Before we explain what a selfie accident is, you must have a clear understanding of what it means to “take a selfie.”  If you are one of the few who don’t about the selfie, we will explain:

A selfie is a photo that a person takes of him or her self. These pictures are then uploaded to social media websites and usually accompanied with a hashtag, which contextualizes the backdrop of the photo. For example, a person might take a selfie at the Liberty Bell and write “#ilovephiladelphia.” These photos became popular in recent years, and while they may appear entertaining, the trend of taking snapshots is worrying safety advocates.

Don’t believe that selfie’s can be dangerous?  Take a look at this video.  Yes, that is a man attempting to take a selfie with an aggressive bull.

Still not buying into the dangers of selfies?  Today, the Huffington Post reported that Polish parents fell off a cliff in a tragic selfie accident.  Before the selfie accident occurred, the couple was visiting Portugal, and climbed the scenic cliffs at Cabo de Roca with their two children.  They decided to take a family selfie.  While positioning themselves for the picture at the edge of the cliff, they slipped and fell to their death.  The couple’s children watched in horror as their parents plunged 260 feet.

Just last week a tragic story broke of a man in Mexico who accidentally shot himself in the head while posing for a selfie with a loaded gun.  21-year-old Oscar Otero Aguilar, pictured above,  posed for a selfie with a gun.  Somehow the gun was fired and Aguilar died from his injuries.  Authorities believe it was likely a selfie accident and Aguilar did not purposefully end his life.

In June, Christine Rosello, a 14-year student attending Rizal High School attempted to take a selfie at the top of stairs and school.  She feel down the stairs, suffered a brain injury, and died as a result of the selfie accident.

In April, 17-year-old Xenia Ignatyeva attempted to take a selfie from a railway bridge.  Like the tourists in Portugal, Ignatyeve slipped and fell from the Saint Petersburg bridge while trying to take the picture of herself.

Her grieving grandmother Olga said: “The police said she wanted to take a snap of herself at night, to give it the most dramatic effect and with the train railway line as a backdrop.  She was taking it herself so she went up there on her own, a girlfriend was waiting below.”

In an attempt to save herself, she grabbed a high voltage cable.  She was electrocuted by the cable before her body dropped onto the concrete below.  She died as a result of the selfie accident.

Maybe you think the examples above are “freak” accidents, but it appears that the seemingly harmless selfie is causing several accidents and safety issues at major sporting events as well.

This year, bicyclists were fuming over selfies taken during the Tour de France.  It was reported that selfies’ put the safety of Tour de France riders at risk.  While injuries are common during the intense three-week competition, the popularity of social media has led to a hazard that event organizers hadn’t planned for.  The organization was forced to release a statement warning pedestrians and bystanders the dangers that selfies can cause those riding in the race.

The temptation to take selfies is greater than ever, because it’s easier than ever. But the basics of personal safety should still apply to avoid injury and in the most extreme examples, death.  In conclusion, selfies, the social phenomenon that involves the taking of self-portrait photographs, are usually done in the name of good fun. However, they do not always end up well.  So if you must “selfie” make “safety” a priority.


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